Saturday, January 30, 2010

Allie's Baby Shower in New Orleans

Allie had her second baby shower today given by her Aunt Cindy, Aunt Nancy, and Nonnie. Again she recieved so many adorable things! I think Brent and I should have built a bigger house because I dont know where we are going to put all of her stuff! We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends to help us get ready for our new little addition.

Everything was decorated so cute! The cake was DELICIOUS!!!
Nonnie, Mommy-to-be, & CiCi

Allies first swim suits! Thank you Aunt A!

Even daddy-to-be got a gift! A diaper changing tool belt! Clothes pin and safety goggles included!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week 35

Here we are at week 35 and I am convinced there is no possible way I can grow anymore! But I am sure little Allie will prove me wrong and stretch me a little more!

Here is little Allie in her room... it should be completed April/May. Can you tell I was having a rough day?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Allie's Baby Shower

Here are a few pictures from the baby shower my Aunt Ninnie gave me and Allie. Allie got so many precious things! I can not wait to play dress up!

Everything was decorated so cute!


Mommy-to-be & "Ci-Ci"

Mommy-to-be & Aunt A (notice the purple dress my sister is wearing... that is my dress that i wore when i was a few weeks pregnant... i can not wait to get back into my normal clothes!)

This is a clothes line full of adorable clothes my aunt Ninnie got for Allie! It was so long not all of the clothes could fit in the picture!

This is a blanket made by Allie's great-grandmother (granny)!

This is a gumball machine that Allie's great-grandfather (gramps) made for me along time ago! Blue gumballs were always my favorite (and still are!)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Week 32

Here we are at week 32 and we are happy to announce that we have a name for our baby girl! Here name is going to be Allie, after her late great-grandfather Al. We are still working on a middle name, but Brent seems to like Allie Jane, after me. Hopefully we will decide soon because she will be joining us before we know it! Allie is now more active than ever and is really starting to hurt me! I dont mind though because every little kick reminds me that she is doing well!

We did a redo of her 4D sonogram yesterday. I am happy to say that she is now in the vertex position! She was all snuggled in my left hip right up against the placenta, so it was hard to get a full shot of her face... but we definitely got some action shots... she was sucking, licking, laughing, smiling... really putting on a show! It was AMAZING! We cannont wait to meet her!!

The thing covering her eye is the placenta. Her cheeks are getting bigger and her lips are perfect!

What a perfect smile!

Chubby cheeks!