Saturday, January 16, 2010

Allie's Baby Shower

Here are a few pictures from the baby shower my Aunt Ninnie gave me and Allie. Allie got so many precious things! I can not wait to play dress up!

Everything was decorated so cute!


Mommy-to-be & "Ci-Ci"

Mommy-to-be & Aunt A (notice the purple dress my sister is wearing... that is my dress that i wore when i was a few weeks pregnant... i can not wait to get back into my normal clothes!)

This is a clothes line full of adorable clothes my aunt Ninnie got for Allie! It was so long not all of the clothes could fit in the picture!

This is a blanket made by Allie's great-grandmother (granny)!

This is a gumball machine that Allie's great-grandfather (gramps) made for me along time ago! Blue gumballs were always my favorite (and still are!)

1 comment:

  1. it was such a nice shower!! cant wait until Allie gets here. Love ya'll!
